on Friday, April 8, 2016


By Dr. Emily Dean

Ladies, spring is here! If you are feeling a touch of spring fever, be encouraged as M.Div. student Rebecca Hiner shares with us the importance of noticing the beauty in all things, especially in this time of year that naturally puts a spring in our steps.

Finding Beauty in the Small Things

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”   -Proverbs 17:22

by Rebecca Hiner

Spring has sprung and the Lord has allowed the world to come alive again with new birth. Each season holds its own set of promises, but there is something extra special about spring. Don’t you think? The Lord’s creation of the seasons proves to be a representation of humanity’s ever changing place on the earth. One thing that has always ministered to my soul is that no matter what may have happened in the previous year or even in the beginning of the new year, I still have hope for opportunity, blessing, and new birth each and every day. Spring is a reminder of this.

There are so many places in Scripture that the Lord gently reminds us of His faithfulness and His provision. Even if we think that where we are in life is stagnant, worthless, or dead, we can still cling to the promises of God. In the moments where we can see no hope, no light at the end of the tunnel, we will see the beauty that surrounds us if we can just learn to lift our eyes up and look around. It can be found in the smile of a stranger, a hug from our children, a gentle kiss from our spouse, the encouragement of a friend, or an afternoon spent enjoying the blooming of new growth in nature. As much as we wouldn’t think, it can also be found in the moments where we have an argument with someone we care about, we are running late for that important meeting, or we have completely burnt that beautiful dinner that we had planned because we wear too many hats.

Whether your moment is good or bad, please be encouraged that God is still good. He is so good. He is forever faithful and has given us the freedom to choose to embrace each moment or not. The choice is ours and I pray that we all can strive to embrace this beautiful, messy thing called life!

For the sake of Christ, then,

I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities.

For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

-2Corinthians 12:10